PF CNC Machining Manufactures Precision Parts And It Is Important To Us That Your Parts Arrive To You Intact Whether It Is A One-Off Part Or A Large Production Run
Your machined parts serve an important role. The fact that they are called parts implies that they could be used with other pieces or within an assembly. To make this possible every part must be machined holding tolerances that will allow the parts to function properly with each other.
We trust that you will at a minimum include part specifics in your drawing via a PDF having dimensions outlining for example thickness, depth, width of pockets, drilled holes and chamfers etc. in your computer drawing or in writing. You can trust we will follow all your instructions faithfully so that the machined parts that we manufacture for you are ready to use the first time around.

If what we are machining for you is a prototype, you can let us know of any changes to be made for future production of that part or parts. In order for you to be sure of this, the parts must arrive to you in the same condition that they were when they came out of our machines. That means no chipping or tearing on any edge so that they can slide, turn or screw without skipping or falling out of place.
It is our duty to ensure your CNC machined or manual machined parts are protected against friction or whether. Of course, when we talk about metal we tend to think is hard and unbreakable and for the most part it is. However, if we’re talking about our softer metals like aluminum or plastics like PVC and such, then the proper protection will be advised.
We use different techniques for packaging your metal and plastic parts. The type of material and the tolerances or different cuts in the part, lets us know what packaging technique to use. For example, if we are sending off planks like the ones you see at the top of this page, then we put a number of them together and fasten with shrink wrap. Other times, when the part has uneven angles or a round top or side special packaging will be improvised or we may use heavier material like foam sheets. An edge or corner protector will be used when needed. It is not uncommon to use cut to size cardboard to place at the bottom, top, or in between your machined parts to avoid movement in transit.
Feel free to contact us if you need additional packaging for your machined parts, or if you just need a free CNC machining quote. pfcncmachining@gmail.com